The Goodness + The Woman in the Drive-Thru

The Goodness - Headed Somewhere Blog

There is something so good in people. Most people, I believe. I feel that I am FILLED to the brim with good intentions. I am always thinking… I should do this for her. I should send a note. It would be so nice if…. But what I lack is follow through. These thoughts mean nothing unless they are followed by action.

As I was pulling in to the Starbucks drive-thru to order some breakfast the other day, I parked behind a lady who hadn’t pulled far enough after she was finished. I couldn’t reach the speaker and she had plenty of room in front of her. I sat there for a few minutes, kind of annoyed that she wasn’t paying enough attention. I was about to honk at her to pull up, but decided not to, it wasn’t going to get me anywhere really… so I waited.

As I pulled up to pay at the window, the Starbucks barista informed me that the woman in the car ahead of me had paid for my food. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. “SERIOUSLY?!” I said to the barista, and she said, “yeah… happens all the time.” I was shocked AGAIN. Do people really do this ALL THE TIME? Do good deeds for people they have never even met… never will see again, and with absolutely NO recognition whatsoever. What made her decide to do that?

As I pulled out onto the main road, I could hardly see, my eyes were so full of tears. I was so impressed by her kindness… and there I was, feeling so self involved and irritated by her just few minutes earlier.

Headed Somewhere Blog

I have told a few friends about my experience the past few days and they also had similar experiences to share! One said she found an envelope in Trader Joe’s behind a loaf of bread. The writing on the envelope said “to you”. She opened it up and it was filled with money and a note that said, “Use this money to buy your groceries today.” WOW. It really is amazing to me that there are people like this out there. Absolutely incredible.

So this week I am striving to be this person. The person who gives, expecting absolutely nothing in return. Not a thank you. Not an acknowledgement. I believe that woman’s small deed will be not one drop of goodness, but a ripple to carry on. I hope she knows that.

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  1. Brooke Field says:

    Such a good thing to remember! Thanks for sharing! xo

  2. Jestine says:

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