:) thoughts for a :) day

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I think I have read the BFG about 100 times. Maybe 200. For those of you who are not Roald Dahl fanatics, the BFG stands for the Big Friendly Giant. I think I did every elementary school book report on this book. You get the gist, I love R.D.  That quote by him… ^ up there… makes me so happy. And it could not be more true. Have good thoughts and they’ll shine out of your face. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. So on this Tuesday, (I think Tuesdays are the worst days. Way worse than Wednesdays), think happy thought and stay positive! Because I’m tryin’ really hard over here to be excited for the rest of this work week and so you should too.

What is your favorite “be happy” quote?


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  1. efonnesbeck says:

    If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. -Roald Dahl

  2. efonnesbeck says:

    awww…… you already HAD that one. Ok, I’m so lame, I’m sorry. Not trying again.

  3. jolene says:

    You’ve heard the sayings, “sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching,” etc. Here’s an original that just popped into this weird brain of mine. Live like blossoms are just popping out of every pore, and everyone you meet gets to pick a bouquet. (strange picture huh?) OR, . . . how about “LIVE LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW”; it is simple yet profound.

    • hahaha Jolene, that’s pretty original. You are a very creative soul, and you just crack me right up. I’d definitely pick flowers off your face if you were growing them. 🙂

  4. CLJ says:

    Follow your Bliss
    Delight in Moments
    Cause Joy

    This was written on a chalkboard outside my favorite antique store in Salt Lake.
    May I comment on the above: Yes, very strange, but definitely original.

  5. Lindsay johnson says:

    Love all these quotes!! Especially RD’s. I was obsessed with Matilda when I was little btw.


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